Rules & Regulations

A. POSTECH Foundation

대학의 규정 중 A. POSTECH Foundation에 대한 파일(과거규정, 규정, 신·구대비표)을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 게시판입니다.
No. Title History File Amendment
F01-1Bylaws of the POSTECH Foundation과거규정 자료규정자료
F01-2Guidelines for the Operation of and Cooperation with the Board of Trustees과거규정 자료규정자료

B. Statutes

a. University Statutes

대학의 규정 중 a. University Statutes에 대한 파일(과거규정, 규정, 신·구대비표)을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 게시판입니다.
No. Title History File Amendment
D01-1Statutes of Pohang University of Science and Technology과거규정 자료규정자료
D01-2Statutes of the Graduate School of Pohang University of Science and Technology과거규정 자료규정자료
D01-3Statutes of the Graduate School for Information Technology규정자료
D01-4Statutes of the Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology과거규정 자료규정자료
D01-6Statutes of the Graduate School of Engineering Mastership과거규정 자료규정자료

b. Regulations on the Conferment of Degrees

대학의 규정 중 b. Regulations on the Conferment of Degrees에 대한 파일(과거규정, 규정, 신·구대비표)을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 게시판입니다.
No. Title History File Amendment
D02-1Regulations on the Conferment of Graduate Degrees과거규정 자료규정자료
D02-1-1Guidelines on Granting Honorary Doctorates규정자료
D02-2Regulations on Granting Degrees in the Graduate School for Information Technology규정자료

C. General Affairs

대학의 규정 중 C. General Affairs에 대한 파일(과거규정, 규정, 신·구대비표)을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 게시판입니다.
No. Title History File Amendment
G01-1Organizational Structure Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
G01-2Regulations on Delegation and Discretionary Approval과거규정 자료규정자료
G01-3Regulations on the Management of Rules and Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
G01-4Regulations on Documentation과거규정 자료규정자료
G01-5Regulations on Records Management규정자료
G01-5-1Detailed Implementing Rules of Records Management규정자료
G01-6Budget and Accounting Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
G01-6-1Corporate Card Guidelines규정자료
G01-7Business Trip Expense Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
G01-8Audit Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
G01-7-1~1Guidelines on the Payment of Business Trip Expenses과거규정 자료규정자료
G01-9Regulations on Self-Evalutaion규정자료
G02-1-1~1Guidelines for Evaluation & Management of the Supply Company규정자료
G02-1Contracting Regulations과거규정 자료
G02-2Inspection Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
G02-4Facility Management Regulations규정자료
G02-3Asset Management Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
G02-5Guidelines for the Allocation and Lease of Educational/Research Facilities규정자료
G02-6Housing Management Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
G02-3-1Detailed Implementing Rules of Asset Management Regulations규정자료
G02-7Dormitory Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
G02-8Regulations on Sports Facilities Management규정자료
G02-9Guideline for the POSTECH Daycare Center규정자료
G02-10Regulations on the Operation of POSTECH Library규정자료
G03-1Safety Management Regulations규정자료
G03-2Regulations on Fire Prevention Management규정자료
G03-3Regulations on Safety Management of Radiation과거규정 자료규정자료
G03-4Safety Management Regulations of Liquefied Petroleum Gas규정자료
G03-5Regulations on Security규정자료
G03-5-1Detailed Rules on General Security규정자료
G03-5-4Detailed Rules on Research Security Management규정자료
G03-5-2Detailed Rules on Information Security규정자료
G03-5-3Detailed Regulations on Personal Information Protection과거규정 자료규정자료
G03-5-5Bylaws Regarding Security Management of Service Providers규정자료
G04-1Seal Management Regulations규정자료
G04-2Regulations on the School Flag and Visual Objects규정자료
G04-3Detailed Operating Rules on the Use of Computer Resources규정자료
G04-4Regulations on the Management of the University Advancement Fund규정자료
G04-4-1~1Guidelines on Fundraising and Management of the University Advancement Fund과거규정 자료규정자료
G04-5Regulations on the Signing of Cooperation Agreements with External Institutions규정자료
G04-6Regulations on International Cooperation Agreements(abolished since 10.16.2009)과거규정 자료규정자료
G04-7Regulations on Gender Discrimination Prohibition and Relief과거규정 자료규정자료
G04-8POSTECH Regulations on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment and Violence과거규정 자료규정자료
G04-9-1Detailed Operating Rules on the Ethical Use of Information규정자료
G04-10-1Guidelines on the Operation of Information Disclosure규정자료

D. Personnel Affairs

대학의 규정 중 D. Personnel Affairs에 대한 파일(과거규정, 규정, 신·구대비표)을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 게시판입니다.
No. Title History File Amendment
P01-1Regulations on Staff Members Service과거규정 자료규정자료
P01-1-1~2Guidelines for Children Education Support Allowance규정자료
P01-2Severance Pay Regulations규정자료
P02-1Regulations on Faculty Personnel Managemet과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-1-1Detailed Rules on New Faculty Recruitment과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-1-10Detailed Rules on the Management of Teaching Associates규정자료
P02-1-2Detailed Rules on the Operation of Faculty Tenure System과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-1-3Detailed Rules on Non-tenure-track Faculty Personnel Management과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-1-4Detailed Rules on the Operation of Professor Emeritus Program규정자료
P02-1-5Detailed Rules on the Operation of Chair Professor Program과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-1-6Detailed Rules on the Operation of POSTECH University Professor과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-1-7Detailed Rules on JA (Joint Appointment) Faculty Personnel Management과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-1-8Research Fellow Management Guidelines규정자료
P02-1-9Detailed Rules for the Operation of Department Honors Professor Program과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-2Regulations on the Management of Annual Salary Plan for Faculty Members과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-2-1Detailed Rules on the Operation of Faculty Sabbatical Leave Program과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-2-1~1Guidelines for the Operation of Faculty Sabatical Leave Program규정자료
P02-2-2Regulations on the Payment of Research Subsidies for Faculty Memebers규정자료
P02-2-3Regulations on Teaching Load Requirements and Payment of Teaching Compensation과거규정 자료규정자료
P02-2-4Regulations on Early Retirement and Payment of Early Retirement Allowances규정자료
P02-2-5Guidelines for the Payment of Special Pensions for Leading Professors규정자료
P02-2-6Internal Rules on Home Loan Support and Housing Allowances for Faculty Members과거규정 자료규정자료
P03-1Regulations on Staff Members Personnel Management과거규정 자료규정자료
P03-1-1Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Regulations on Staff Members Personnel Management규정자료
P03-2Regulations on Remuneration for Staff Members과거규정 자료규정자료
P04-1Detailed Rules on Contractual Research Staff Members과거규정 자료규정자료
P04-2-1Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Sabbatical Leave Program for Research Staff Members at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory규정자료
P04-2Regulations on Remuneration for Laboratory Staff Members at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory과거규정 자료규정자료

E. Students

대학의 규정 중 E. Students에 대한 파일(과거규정, 규정, 신·구대비표)을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 게시판입니다.
No. Title History File Amendment
s01-1Guidelines on the Management of Comprehensive Student Report Admissions Program of Pohang University of Science and Technology규정자료
S01-2Scholarship Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
S01-3-1Detailed Rules on Graduate Student Capacity and Student Assistantships과거규정 자료규정자료
S01-3-2Detailed Regulations on Student Assistantships at the Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology규정자료
S01-3-3Detailed Regulations on Student Assistantships in the Graduate School of Engineering Mastership규정자료
S01-4-1Detailed Rules on the Refund of Tuition Fees규정자료
S01-5-1Detailed Rules on Academic Credit Transfer과거규정 자료규정자료
S01-6-1Regulations on Honors and Disciplinary Measures과거규정 자료규정자료
S01-6-2Detailed Rules on Disciplinary Actions for Academic Dishonesty규정자료
S01-7-1Detailed Rules on Part-time Doctoral Students규정자료
S01-8Regulations on the Issuance of Certificates규정자료
S02-1Regulations on Student Activities규정자료
S02-2Regulations on Support for Students with Disabilities규정자료
S03-2Constitution of the POSTECH Graduate Student Association규정자료

F. Research

대학의 규정 중 F. Research에 대한 파일(과거규정, 규정, 신·구대비표)을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 게시판입니다.
No. Title History File Amendment
R01-1Bylaws of the POSTECH Research and Business Development Foundation과거규정 자료규정자료
R01-2Research Administration Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
R01-2-1Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Research Administration Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
R01-2-1~2Guidelines for Lab Notebooks규정자료
R01-3Research Ethics Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
R01-4Regulations on Biosafety Management규정자료
R01-5Regulations on the Operation of the Institutional Review Board규정자료
R01-6Regulations on Laboratory Animal Resources Management규정자료
R02-1Business Creation Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
R02-1-1Detailed Implementing Rules of the Business Creation Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
R02-2Regulations on Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer과거규정 자료규정자료

G. Affiliated Institutions and Research Centers

대학의 규정 중 G. Affiliated Institutions and Research Centers에 대한 파일(과거규정, 규정, 신·구대비표)을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 게시판입니다.
No. Title History File Amendment
A01-1Operation Regulations of the Innovation Center for Education규정자료
A01-4Operation Regulations of the POSTECH Venture Incubation Center규정자료
A01-3Regulations on Counseling Center and Counseling Services규정자료
A01-4-1Detailed Rules on the Operation of the POSTECH Venture Incubation Center규정자료
A01-5Operation Regulations of POSTECH Advanced Management and Technology Innovation Program과거규정 자료규정자료
A02-1Regulatios on the Establishment and Operation of Affiliated Research Centers과거규정 자료규정자료
A02-1-1Guidelines on Operating and Evaluating Affiliated Research Centers
A02-2Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of Science/Engineering Research Centers규정자료
A02-3Pohang Accelerator Laboratory Regulations과거규정 자료규정자료
A02-4Operation Regulations of the POSTECH Information Research Laboratories과거규정 자료규정자료
A02-5Detailed Rules for the Operation of the National Creative Research Initiative Center규정자료
A02-6Operating Detailed Rules of the POSTECH Biotech Center규정자료
A02-7Detailed Rules on the Operation of the National Institute for Nanomaterials Technology규정자료

H. Committees

대학의 규정 중 H. Committees에 대한 파일(과거규정, 규정, 신·구대비표)을 다운로드 받을 수 있는 게시판입니다.
No. Title History File Amendment
C01-1Regulations on Committees과거규정 자료규정자료
C01-1-1Detailed Implementing Rules for the Operation of the University Senate과거규정 자료규정자료
C01-2Regulations on the Operation of the Workplace Development Council규정자료
C01-1-2Detailed Implementing Rules for the Operation of the Degree Verification Committee규정자료
C01-3Rules of the Faculty-Staff Mutual Aid Society규정자료
C01-1-3Internal Rules of the Equipment Review Committee
Department : Planning and Budget
Last Modified : 2016-09-19