Office of the President Minister of Science, ICT, and Future Planning Visits POS.. Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Yang-hee Choi, paid a visit to POSTECH on Monday, October 12. Upon the invitation of President Doh-Yeon Kim, Minister Choi visited the.. 2015-10-27 READ MORE Office of the Presidentmenuclose Welcome Message Biography News Media Clipping Speeches Past Presidents 총장동정 POSTECH-TU Dresden to Establish a Joint International Rese.. South Korea’s four research universities including POSTECH and Germany’s TU Dresden announced that they have agreed to engage in international research collaboration.. 2015-10-27 READ MORE 총장동정 POSTECH to Develop Open Online Courses Together With SNU, .. South Korea’s top three universities have come together to develop the highest quality STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) courses one can find online. .. 2015-10-27 READ MORE Address at the One-year Anniversary of Inauguration Dear POSTECH community, The endless, hot days of summer are finally b.. 미디어 클리핑 등록된 미디어 클리핑이 없습니다. READ MORE