Adrian Normanton Award Goes to Professor Sung-Mo Jung

2015-06-22 1,193
Adrian Normanton Award Goes to Professor Sung-Mo Jung
Professor Sung-Mo Jung of Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology received the Adrian Normanton Award from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3). 
Newly established last year in recognition of the late Dr. Adrian Normanton, a renowned UK steel engineer, the award is given for the best technical paper on the topic of steelmaking or casting presented in Ironmaking & Steelmaking: Processes, Products and Applications published by IMO3.
Professor Jung was named the Adrian Normanton Award winner for 2015 for his paper on the effect of surface roughness of MgO substrate on the formation and size distribution of inclusion particles. Professor Jung shed light on the reaction mechanism and suggested a new experimental methodology to clarify the effect of the surface roughness. 
After earning his bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees at POSTECH and postdoctoral study at Carnegie Mellon University, Professor Jung came back to POSTECH in 2000 for a faculty position. His specialty includes reaction equilibria and kinetics on ironmaking and steelmaking as well as the application of physical chemistry to refining processes in ferrous technology.