POSTECH Opens the Research Center for Carbon-zero Green Ammonia Cycling

2021-12-14 469

211214_탄소제로 그린 암모니아 사이클링 연구센터 개소식_본문 삽입

POSTECH opened the Research Center for Carbon-zero Green Ammonia Cycling at POSTECH’s School of Environmental Science and Engineering Building on December 14, 2021.

The newly opened research center aims to replace the conventional ammonia production process and to develop original eco-friendly technologies to reduce greenhouse gases by 600 million tons per year. In addition, the center plans to secure the hydrogen energy production technology with the eco-friendly ammonia conversion process as it is a high-density green hydrogen energy source.

“Green ammonia cycling is the future technology for environmentally friendly production and storage of next-generation hydrogen energy source,” explained Kijung Yong, the center’s director. He added, “We plan to contribute to achieving carbon neutrality by year 2050 – which is the current goal of the Korean government – through green ammonia cycling.”