POSTECH Professor Junsuk Rho Appointed as Associate Editor of Light: Science and Applications

2021-05-20 369


POSTECH Professor Junsuk Rho of the departments of mechanical engineering and chemical engineering has been appointed as an associate editor of Light: Science and Applications, the most authoritative journal on optics published by Springer Nature.

Professor Rho’s research is mainly focused on the development of new nanophotonic materials and devices based on basic physics and experimental research on interactions between light and materials below deep wavelengths. He has also published about 170 influential papers in journals including Science and Nature.

In addition, he has been recognized as a young world-class researcher in the field of optics and was the first Korean to receive the MEE/MNE Young Investigator Award and Lectureship in 2020, and was awarded the Young Scientist Award and the Micromachines 2020 Young Investigator Award.

Professor Rho is currently the only Korean to be appointed as an editor of this journal. He will be working mainly in the metamaterials, photonic crystal, nanotechnology, micro-nanophotonics, display, and imaging sectors.