Professor Suha Kwak Appointed as Editor of International Journal of Computer Vision
Suha Kwak, a computer engineering professor at POSTECH, has been appointed as an editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) since February 2020.
The IJCV has been published by Springer since 1987 and is currently the most respected journal in the field of computer vision along with the AI journal, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
Recognized as best in the field of weakly supervised learning and AI visual recognition, Professor Suha Kwak received his bachelor’s and Ph.D. degrees from POSTECH and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Paris École Normale Supérierue and the Inria Paris in France. Before joining the POSTECH faculty in February of 2018, he taught at the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST).
Professor Kwak’s primary research interests lie in computer vision of artificial intelligence related to visual cognition, especially in techniques for learning visual recognition models with little or no human supervision.