Professor Yoon-Ho Kim Appointed as 2022 Optica Fellow

2021-12-15 341

김윤호 교수_영문

Professor Yoon-Ho Kim of the Department of Physics at POSTECH was recently selected as a 2022 Optical Society of America (Optica) Fellow.

Professor Kim, who completed his Ph.D. at University of Maryland (UMBC) in 2001, worked as a Eugene Wigner Fellow at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in the U.S. before joining the POSTECH faculty in 2004.

Professor Kim was selected as an Optica fellow in recognition of his significant contribution to the advancement of quantum information technology through his basic and applied research on weak quantum measurement.

Weak quantum measurement is an approach to obtain as much information as possible while applying only a small impact on the quantum state of the object to be measured. It is anticipated to be applicable in quantum communication and quantum computers as it can be measured efficiently without collapsing the quantum state.

Established in 1961, the American Optical Society (Optica) is the most prestigious international academic organization in optics with more than 20,000 international members.

Fellows are selected within the top 0.5 percent among members and account for no more than 10 percent of the total membership. 2,800 members of Optica are currently serving as fellows and only 20 fellows are Korean.