
Special Lecture by Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Korea

Past 2023-10-12 14:00 644

We are inviting Postechians to the special lecture by Daniel Wolvén, Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Korea.

1. Date/Venue: 14:00 – 15:00 / Thursday, October 12, 2023 / POSCO International Center, Auditorium (1F)
2. Attendee: Open to all members of POSTECH
3. Registration: Sept 27 – Oct 11, 2023  (Registration Link)
4. Topic: Small, Smart Countries – The role of Sweden and Korea in a rapidly changing world
5. Inquiries: Jinyoung Huh / External Relations and Communications (054-279-2415, jyhuh@postech.ac.kr)

※ The lecture will be conducted in English.

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