
Special Lecture by Special Lecture by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

2013-11-13 1,257
Special Lecture by Commissioner William D. Magwood
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
The U.S. NRC Commissioner William D. Magwood is to deliver a special lecture about “Nuclear Regulation in the U.S. and the NRC Response to Fukushima” at POSTECH. 
The U.S. NRC is a government agency dedicated to assuring the safe and secure use of nuclear materials in the U.S. in order to protect the health and safety of the people, and it oversees regulations of nuclear reactors, nuclear materials and nuclear wastes. The NRC is headed by five Commissioners appointed by the President of the U.S. The speaker, William D. Magwood, was sworn in as a Commissioner of the U.S. NRC in 2010 and served as the Director of Nuclear Energy of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
All Postechians are highly welcome to join this occasion. Please refer to the below for more details.

Date & Time: November 14,2013 (Thu) 10:00 am
Title: Nuclear Regulation in the U.S. and the NRC Response to Fukushima
Venue: Multimedia Room (#101)
                       School of Environmental Science and Engineering Building
Inquiries: International Relations (Tel. 279-3684, E-mail:
International Relations & DANE